Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Marketing Brand Strategy: How to Erase Your Unwanted Online Tracks

Identifying an under served market niche that you can service better than anyone else in your marketplace is a surefire luxury real estate marketing brand strategy that can help you achieve to top-of-mind status, fast. Here is an example of this principle from a company in the UK that addressed a pressing need of web users worldwide.  

Taking charge of your online privacy has become a big challenge because most companies want to keep your personal data on file. But, what if you want to completely erase your account? 
Some companies like Facebook, Skype, Craigslist and Ticketmaster make it difficult to delete accounts that you no longer want to use. Others, like Google’s Picasa, Netflix, Pinterest and Starbucks make it impossible to delete accounts online. 

By far the quickest way to extricate yourself from unwanted online accounts is JustDelete.Me.  This brand new, free service has received massive amounts of international press coverage, almost overnight, because they found a simple way to save you time and aggravation while solving the problem of your online privacy. Essentially, JustDelete.Me is a list of links to the precise page on numerous websites where you can delete your account. 

The topic of online privacy struck a nerve for us and we have been sharing our finding with our Language of Luxury audience all summer. If you have not already read our posts on this topic here is a set of links to the articles. We hope you find them helpful. 


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