Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Marketing Tip: Concierge Service or Lip Service?

“Concierge Service” is a term that we advise luxury real estate marketing professionals against using when describing their own level of service because the term is so often misused. Unless you hire a highly trained professional concierge to offer authentic concierge services to our clients, you will just be offering lip service to those who know the difference. 

For example, Target, the massive discount chain is deploying beauty concierges” to sell cosmetics in 300 of their stores by year's end, according to Wall Street Journal.  Concierge service or lip service?
Nordstrom’s has a completely different approach.  They call their specially trained employees in their cosmetic department, “beauty consultants”. These experts are knowledgeable about each of the many cosmetic brands and can help at any counter. 

Perhaps, Nordstrom’s counterparts at Target are equally knowledgeable.  But, the label of concierge would be misleading to Nordstrom’s ideal customers, who most likely have experienced the genuine article. 

On our recent trip to Rome we were extremely impressed by the highly professional concierge service at our wonderful hotel. For instance, each of the staff’s restaurant recommendations was excellent and actually exceeded our expectations. 

The concierges actually dined at each of the restaurants personally either with their colleagues, friends or families.  They also based their recommendation on continuous feedback from guests.  When we returned to the hotel we made a point of offering our own glowing reviews. With this level of feedback, they certainly would know if the restaurants were sustaining their outstanding reputations or declining. 

Under some circumstances and with some clients t is great to provide extraordinary service above and beyond the call of duty, i.e., the real estate sales process and the transaction itself.  Just do not call it “concierge service” as a standard offering. It dilutes your stature as a luxury real estate marketing professional, who is advising your clients on perhaps their most expensive assets and investments. 

Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-

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