Thursday, June 16, 2011

Luxury Real Estate Marketing:Are You Playing Your "A" Game?

One of the core attributes of a successful luxury real estate marketing professional is consistent focus. Complacency begets inconsistency. When you get complacent, you are vulnerable to those competitors who maintain their focus.

Notice the consistency of focus in top professional athletes, musicians or entrepreneurs. Let’s use professional musicians as an example of consistent focus.

The very first thing a musician in an orchestra does is tune his or her instrument with the perfect pitch of the oboe playing the key of A. Think of perfect pitch as your pure brand signal. What do you do to align yourself each day with your pure brand signal and your vision for your luxury real estate marketing practice?

Professional musicians practice consistently. Once you have defined your winning formula in your real estate practice you must focus consistently on practicing what works, over and over again, fine tuning as you go along.

We recommend deliberately quieting the mind on a regular basis. When your mind is quiet all opposing or contradictory thoughts disappear and you are most receptive to “possibilities thinking”. That is a good time to contemplate your vision for playing your “A game” in your business.

Take what we call “transaction engineering” out of the picture for a moment. You are expected to be able to see a transaction all the way through to close of escrow. Let’s concentrate here on consistently doing the things that together comprise your “A game”. These are the things that are necessary to get transactions into escrow in the first place. Focus is all about the doing the small things like consistently:

  • Staying in touch with your sphere of influence
  • Promoting new business
  • Returning phone calls and emails in a timely manner
  • Showing up for appointments on time
  • Meeting new people who can be referral sources

If you get complacent and neglect these small things you are sacrificing your winning formula that has made you successful. To play your “A game” consistently over time you must find a way to stay focused and stay in perfect pitch. One way that we recommend to do this is to delegate everything you possible can that you do not absolutely love doing. This can be challenging. But, then if you are showing signs of complacency, a good challenge may just be the ticket for you.


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