Thank you for the tremendous response on our previous post on logos entitled, “Which Comes First, the Logo or the Brand?”
Here is a follow up: You must first know your unique value
proposition, i.e., your brand message before your logo can become a
communication shortcut for your brand.
your logo to succinctly and swiftly communicate your brand message
directly to your target market is no easy task. But, when you get it
right, as a luxury real estate marketing professional, it is
recently drove by a Jack in the Box and saw their logo in purple. We had
to ask the question, “What were they thinking?” Upon investigation we
discovered that the company created an additional logo. Their
aim was to precisely communicate to a very important segment of their
target market (obviously not us): Hungry night owls who get the
“munchies” for fast food after 9pm. Their brand message: “We are open 24
hours a day and we have a special menu just for you called, Jack’s Munchie Meals™.
Their purple color is an exaggerated mid-night blue that signifies “late-night”.
Simply by changing their logo’s color they gave the symbol new meaning
that is right on the wavelength of their ideal customer. This is
brilliance in brand strategy! Once
the target market understands the meaning of the purple logo Jack in
the Box BECOMES not just another fast food restaurant in their minds,
but THEIR late-night destination when they get the munchies.
ultimate goal in branding is to "OWN" your brand position, in this case
"late-night". David Letterman is a personal brand that MEANS
"late-night TV talk show host", not just "talk show host".
It turns
out that Jack in the Box is the long-term, late-night market leader.
Their intention is to strengthen, leverage and capitalize on their
leadership position. Luxury real estate market leaders, take heed! Is
your logo a communication shortcut for your unique value proposition,
your brand message?
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