Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Marketing Tip: How to Stay Ahead of Your Competition by Leveraging Your Strengths

As a Luxury real estate marketing professional, the best way to stay ahead of your competition is to continuously leverage your strengths or core competences to gain market share.  Diffusing your efforts by trying to be all things to all people is definitely not the best route. 

Google just launched a new service called Helpouts that matches people with questions or problems to professionals who can serve them via videophone calls on mobile devices or computers.  For example, if you have a flat tire while on a mountain bike trail and you need advice on how to change it, chances are you will be able to find an expert who can help you on the spot, via your smartphone! 

Helpouts has a Home and Garden section.  This bodes well for lead generation if you are a home inspector, an interior designer, a plumber, a landscaper or other related service professional.  You can offer your services for free or charge for the Helpout consultation. 

Google has leveraged Gmail (to schedule appointments), Hangout (its video chat product), Google Wallet (for payments), and no doubt will eventually monetize the pages with Google Adwords for paid advertisements. “Natural or organic” search results for experts are based on user ratings and reviews. Although, you can sort by price, ratings, soonest availability in addition to what Google determines is your best match. And, of course you can “share” an expert that you would like to recommend your social media channels. 

Rosetta Stone has signed on as a major sponsor for languages in the Education & Careers section and Weight Watchers will appear under Fitness & Nutrition. In general, Google is leveraging its strengths to capitalize on an educational mega trend, which is the growing popularity of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). 

In your luxury real estate marketing practice, take the time to assess your core competences. How can you leverage your strengths to gain market share in 2014?

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