Thursday, January 3, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Website Design: The Magic of Quality Cues

Courtesy of Apple 
One of components of our Strategic Brand Analysis that we perform for each of our luxury real estate marketing clients is an audit or review of their current websites and those of their direct competitors. Among many factors, we look for what we call “quality cues”, those small details that add up to a remarkable user experience. Dropping the ball with quality cues is often where complacent market leaders become vulnerable. 
We cannot overemphasize the significance of quality cues, as they help to capture leads. And, they are also the sparks that trigger word-of-mouth advertising or buzz!  Here is an example of how quality cues add up to a remarkable customer experience. 
When your UPS delivery person smiles with delight and feels an instant sense of kinship with you (knowing what is inside the box) because he too has one and it changed his life.  And, he adds, “These guys make our job easier because of how well the boxes stack together due to their unique shape”. You know something remarkable is happening.
When unwrapping your newest business tool makes you feel the wonder of child opening a favorite Holiday present combined with the admiration of sheer packaging genius at work, something magical is happening.  You marvel at the ease of access to the product and the smooth texture of a single interior box that contain the additional components, how the cover slides, or actually glides open like a box of fine chocolates.  
When your package arrives ahead of schedule because customer service made an exception for you when you ordered it and did not charge extra, you feel cared for. And, all this is before you even plug in the machine that was hailed by PC magazine as “the pinnacle of desktop design and manufacturing” (the new 27” iMac).
Imagine if your website created this much user satisfaction before you ever met your prospective client who reached out to connect with you after visiting your site.  That is the magic of Quality Cues!
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