Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal & Company Branding: When You' re Hot, You' re Hot !

Photo by Wellesenterprises

When your’e hot your’e hot. When your’e not, your’e not! So is the the world of personal branding as a public figure. But, when you are not hot, how to you make a comeback? Your reputation is at the core of your brand value as a luxury real estate marketing professional. And, the importance of managing the perception of your personal brand in the minds of your target market cannot be underestimated. The story of Tiger Woods is a case in point.

Rolex, the Swiss watch company just signed Tiger as its newest brand ambassador. It has been two years since his public relations debacle occurred, a fiasco that cost him dearly in terms of lucrative company endorsements. Most of his sponsors dropped Tiger or did not renew his endorsement contracts. But, with a well crafted co-branded marketing message, “Partnership for a New Challenge”, Rolex has committed to help him redeem his well deserved reputation as one of the greatest athletes in the world.

This story illustrates just how much is at stake when it comes to public opinion and how much the media can amplify your reputation. The same media that helped to build Wood’s reputation tore him down. It will be also be instrumental in building him right back up again. But, what is behind the story is even more important.

People are very quick to judge others. Often, those who have the most secrets to hide are the ones who are the most critical of public figures. But, what about the inner conflicts that Tiger Woods has had to deal with? The opportunity for personal transformation under intense, self-induced circumstances like Mr. Woods created for himself, can be nothing short of life changing and life giving.

No one can truly put themselves in Tiger Woods’ golf shoes. He was famous beginning at a very young age. Could it be that he needed to deconstruct his life, a life that may have been built to a large extent on admiration from others? We need to be less critical and more allowing of others, giving them the room to find themselves, to reinvent themselves.

Branding can be a mental shortcut. We get lazy and forget to give people and companies a fresh chance to demonstrate who they are today, each day. What does it say about Rolex, who was willing to stake its international reputation on giving Tiger Woods a fresh start as a partner in a new challenge?

As a luxury real estate marketing professional, your reputation is built with each transaction you complete. Your personal brand is not only your trademark it is your “trust mark”.


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