Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Less is More Tip#3

Do you have a local movie theatre in your town that is not owned by a large chain? Here is another in our series on low cost promotional ideas that can yield big high quality results and make you stand out stand out from your competition as a luxury real estate marketing professional.

Most people, young and old, love the movies. Quality movies that the entire family can enjoy together are few and far between. When you get wind of one of these gems coming to your town, contact the owners of your local theatre and arrange a sneak preview of the film for a guaranteed number of sold seats.

When one of Harry Potter films was about to be released one of our clients invited a select group of past and present clients to a sneak preview of the film. At an average cost of $7.50 per seat she was able to guarantee 200 sold seats ($1500) which she prepaid. Then she found a non-competing service professional, an estate planner, to split the costs and invite 100 of their clients (including kids). Her total cost was $750.

In addition to thoroughly enjoying the show, the guests got the bonus of “bragging rights” about seeing the latest Harry Potter movie before it was released. Just prior to show time both hosts introduced each other to their clients in the audience which instantly expanded their sphere of influence. They outwardly endorsed each other as trustworthy service professionals, which led to future business. The theatre received additional cash, plus the take from all of the concessions they sold before and during the showing. It was scheduled in the morning before the theater normally opened and a few days before Harry Potter debuted.

There are so many ways you can stay in touch with your core data base of contacts that will turn them into raving fans. Leveraging the buzz of a Harry Potter caliber movie you can trigger massive word-of-mouth advertising ABOUT YOU OR YOUR COMPANY and also generate a tremendous amount of good will.


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