Thursday, January 31, 2013

Personal & Company Branding: Super Bowl Cool

Courtesty of Mercedes Benz
A successful personal or company luxury real estate brand is the total package of precision communication that compels your target market to do business with you vs. your competition. For branding to work at this level the communication must instantly convey your extraordinary promise of value, i.e. how your service can readily satisfy your client’s most pressing needs. 

A great way to tune into branding on a grand scale is by watching Super Bowl commercials.  Some of them just try to be clever and create buzz, which misses the real point. People may talk about the ads but will the right people, the target market, actually go out and buy the products?  

Keep in mind that the same message that is spot on for your target market may not resonate with anyone else. That is why you need to know the psycho graphics (the mindset) as well as the demographic profile of your ideal client. For example, active teenagers will yawn when they see a commercial for a mobility scooter that is a lifesaver for the disabled or elderly, unless they see it as the perfect solution for a family member or friend. 

This year Mercedes Benz in on to something exciting and so is their Super Bowl commercial. Mercedes is out to attract a whole new generation of buyers—the young urban professionals who heretofore have snoozed through their commercials.  Making a huge bet at the 2013 Super Bowl, they are targeting this demographic with a very well crafted commercial for their 2014 CLA. 

Mercedes and their ad agency really understand the psycho graphics (mindset) of this target group.  First, their Super Bowl commercial shatters the perception that the MBZs are too expensive by driving home the message that the base price of the CLA is under $30K.   Then, they appeal to every male “yuppie” fantasy.  Note: If you cannot see the video below Click Here 

Suddenly, Mercedes Benz is cool, hip and affordable. That is a very powerful message to get across in a one-minute commercial. It shifts the mindset of their target market from NO-INTEREST OR CAN’T HAVE (because it is too expensive) to MUST HAVE (because it is within my reach and it can satisfy my most pressing needs!). Mercedes shifts from a brand position of “TRADITIONAL AND SOPHISTICATED” to “CURRENT, STYLISH AND TRENDY” in an instant with a new class of car. This is a major feat of extending their brand to include a wider customer base, without alienating their core customer. 

A key component of brand strategy is taking control of how you want your brand to be perceived and by whom.  It is all in the total package of precision communication.

Are you controlling how your luxury real estate brand is perceived?


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