Friday, January 11, 2013

Personal and Company Branding: Oprah's Brand Aid?

As a luxury real estate marketing professional your reputation is intimately connected to your personal brand.  What happens when there is a breach of integrity?  Can it be repaired?  Following the Lance Armstrong story will offer many clues.

On November 1st, 2012,  I (Alexandra, here) wrote a post about the fate of the Lance Armstrong brand, “Can a Brand be Saved?”  Given the silence of Lance Armstrong, it did not seem possible.  However, a “ Brand-Aid” is on the horizon in the form of an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

 A few days, ago Lance Armstrong had announced that on Thursday, January 17th, Lance will be on Oprah for a “no holds, barred” interview.  Why choose Oprah and not 60 Minutes or Dateline?  Here is what Jason Gray from the Wall Street Journal had to say:
“Armstrong is a public figure amid a consuming scandal and Winfrey offers a chance to reboot” Lance chose Oprah, because the other shows, “could not deliver what Oprah Winfrey delivers, which is Oprah Winfrey herself.  Winfrey’s camp has said there are no conditions or prohibited questions on the Lance time.” 

On Oprah’s nature and style, Mr. Gray stated, “Oprah is Oprah.  She is a master of her medium, a friend, a confessional, fully control, at peace in her own Oprah atmosphere.  Oprah time is not harshly lit, painful awkwardness.  Oprah envelops you in ‘Oprahness’.  She asks.  You talk, because it’s Oprah Winfrey.  And Oprah listens.  This is comforting.”

What is next?  Some speculate that a “tell all book” is in the works; lawsuits, and other consequences will follow.  Will Lance weather all this? Will his personal brand survive?  What will the public reaction be after the interview?  Will he redeem himself in the court of public opinion? Will Oprah's "Brand- Aid "make a difference? What do you think?

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