The Sky Above Sandyland, Carpinteria Beach in Santa Barbara in December 2013
Some pundits say the recession is over.
Other say we are still in it. But, how will this affect your
productivity as a luxury real estate marketing professional in 2014?
Should you be cautiously optimistic?
We say don’t listen to “them”. Here is
our recipe: Listen to your own heart! If you let the tough times from
the past overshadow the present you are going to miss opportunities that
are right under your nose to make 2014 the best year of your life.
If you do look back, focus on the bright
moments and use them as touchstones that offer promise for a better
future. Turn any challenge that comes up into an opportunity to
expand. Then drop the concept of good times and bad times all together.
Above all trust yourself! Only then can you experience unbridled
optimism, the winning attitude for 2014
Enjoy Barbra Streisand’s version of “Who Will Buy” (a question luxury real estate listing brokers often ask) from the musical Oliver (lyrics below). It expresses this attitude perfectly! Here is the link, because Blogger does not have Adobe Flash (so it says),
Who will buy
This wonderful morning?
Such a sky
You never did see!
Who will tie
It up with a ribbon
And put it in a box for me?
So I could see it at my leisure
Whenever things go wrong
And I would keep it as a treasure
To last my whole life long.
Who will buy
This wonderful feeling?
I'm so high
I swear I could fly.
Me, oh my!
I don't want to lose it
So what am I to do
To keep the sky so blue?
There must be someone who will buy...
Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-
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