Monday, December 30, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Learn a Competitive New Skill in 2014!

Staying at the top of your game is key in the New Year. It is essential if you want to gain or sustain market leadership. If you do not continue to grow in knowledge and skillset each year, you can count on the fact that your competition will.  So, it's time to turn over a new leaf and learn a competitve new skill in 2014!
Recently, Sal Kahn of Kahn Academy (the online video learning center that is totally transforming education) sent me (Ron here) this email invitation: 
“In the last week over 15 million people tried out [computer] coding for the first time as part of the 'Hour of Code' - would you like to join them? At the end of your hour, you'll have coded your very own greeting card to send to someone this holiday season” 
It was really easy and fun. You can do it too! Just click on the link above the video below.  The “card” below is what I coded for Alexandra.  

In the video below, you will see how many celebrities, including Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, have joined in to help spread this important message:  The digital future depends on more people learning computer coding! 

Staying at the top of your game is key in the New Year. It is essential if you want to gain or sustain market leadership. If you do not continue to grow in knowledge and skillset each year, you can count on the fact that your competition will.  So, it's time to turn over a new leaf and learn a competitive new skill in 2014!
Recently, Sal Kahn of Kahn Academy (the online video learning center that is totally transforming education) sent me (Ron here) this email invitation: 
“In the last week over 15 million people tried out [computer] coding for the first time as part of the 'Hour of Code' - would you like to join them? At the end of your hour, you'll have coded your very own greeting card to send to someone this holiday season” 
It was really easy and fun. You can do it too! Just click on the link above the video below.  The “card” below is what I coded for Alexandra.  

In the video below, you will see how many celebrities, including Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, have joined in to help spread this important message:  The digital future depends on more people learning computer coding! 
Anybody can learn to code: A 60 second video from on how anybody can learn to code
Anybody can learn to code: A 60 second video from on how anybody can learn to code
Whereas, I have no intention of becoming a computer programmer, the mental exercise was exhilarating. My appreciation for our web developers that we work with in personal and company branding has grown significantly. 

Think of how many kids and adults can be inspired by experiencing their initial success at a new skill.  Even Gates and Zuckerberg had to learn to write their first line of code at the beginning of their stellar careers. 

So, shake things up in your world. Try something new, turn over a new leaf!. What important new skill will you learn in 2014 to expand your luxury real estate marketing practice and stay on top of your game?

Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-
Follow Us on Twitter: LuxuryMarketing

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