In marketing luxury real estate, many
agents and brokers often fall into the trap of selling instead of
marketing. Marketing is matchmaking. It requires concisely communicating
the essence of your distinct promise of value to your ideal target
market as you address their most pressing needs. If your communication
is clear your ideal prospects should instantly recognize that you, not
your competition, are the right match.
Selling is trying to convince those
prospects that are not really a match to you that they should work with
you or buy from you anyway. The need to sell comes from the false
notion that there is a scarcity of ideal clients out there. But, the
truth is that the time you waste trying to win over non-ideal clients
and slogging your way through difficult transactions distracts you from
opportunities to meet and work with perfect matches,
As discouragement and feelings of
powerlessness set in, you begin to lower your standards and
expectations. You find yourself on the “chain of pain” attracting more
non-ideal clients and more problematic transactions.
What is important to keep in mind is
that people like to do business with people like themselves. Your ideal
client is looking for you just as much as you are looking for them. And,
they hang out with others who are like-minded. It is only natural for
them to refer you to their friends. It gives them personal satisfaction
and also social currency to facilitate a successful referral. When
this occurs you find yourself on the “chain of gain” instead of the
chain of pain.
Marketing done right is effortless
because you are achieving an alignment of self-interests yours and your
ideal client’s. Selling may give you the immediate gratification of
momentary wins, but it will burn you out in the long run.
The most successful luxury real estate
agents and brokers are passionate marketing professionals not selling
professionals. When you sell a home, the sale itself is the very last
thing that occurs in the process of meeting the needs of your ideal
clients. There is actually one more step. And, that is getting paid
for doing something that you love to do.
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