Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Luxury Real Estate Branding Tips: Does Your Brand Work? #2

In yesterday's post, we emphasized that a brand is not just design, or a logo. A brand is developed based on a fundamental strategy that if consistently applied, will bring top of mind status.

We wanted to illustrate this with an example that would clarify it even further.  The photo above was taken today on State Street (the main downtown street) in Santa Barbara.  Both sides of State Street have these banner flags.

What is this logo? It is an interesting design, and someone went through the trouble and expense of registering the trademark.  We tried to figure out by wondering if this was a sign for the upcoming Santa Barbara Film Festival.  No, it was not.

Can you guess what it is?  We put on our investigative reporter's hat and called the Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce.  They did not have the answer, and suggested that I call the Santa Barbara Downtown Association.  They had the answer: it is the Planned Parenthood logo!  Why is it there, and what is the strategy?  How many people would even go as far as we did to find out what the sign meant? Does this Brand work to reach their target market?
Contrast this with the FedEx Express logo.  It is straightforward, and if you look closer at the Ex part of the logo, you can see the arrow formed in the white space between the x and the lower part of the capital E.  The arrow communicates movement from one point to the other.

FedEx has top of mind status with major shippers all over the United States.  Some people have never used FedEx, but they still know the brand.  We certainly have known about the Planned Parenthood organization, and the fine work they do.  Their brand in this context does not communicate who they are and what they do.

Make sure your brand works: what should be your primary goal is top of mind status.

Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-

ABOUT:  Napa Consultants, International is the leader in brand strategy for the luxury real estate industry.  They work exclusively with professionals who are passionate about gaining or sustaining market leadership. With an expertise in personal branding, company branding, luxury real estate website design and social media marketing they help their clients become the breakaway brand in their marketplace. 

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