Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Personal & Company Branding: Say Artisan Organic Cheese - Part 2

Brand Position, Continued

A common concern expressed by our luxury real estate personal and company branding clients is coming across as too pretentious with their new brand identity.  Some have trepidation about alienating prior clients whose homes may not be in the top tier of the price range in their marketplace.  Others just do not want to be perceived as “snooty”. 

One of the reasons we selected the cheese makers, Cowgirl Creamery, as the focal point of this article series is because they exemplify a luxury brand that is down to earth.  Their brand is definitely sophisticated, but by no means pretentious. 

In Part 1 we discussed how, unlike Kraft cheeses that are mass produced for a global market, Cowgirl Creamery is a local  (Northern, CA) artisan and they use only organic milk.  These two companies have entirely different target markets.  Local, artisan and organic represent, in a nutshell, their brand position that they actively communicate to a sophisticated and discerning target market. 

One of our favorite dining experiences was in a restaurant in the town of Parma, Italy.  As soon as we were seated at the table, huge chunks of delicious, locally produced, aged Parmesan cheese was served along with freshly baked hot crusty Italian bread, compliments of the house.  

Once you have an experience like this it is next to impossible to even consider sprinkling pre-grated, non-aged Parmesan cheese from a green cardboard container, on your pasta.  Yet, there is a huge target market that is delighted with the convenience of Kraft’s boxed Parmesan cheese. 
Your brand position is that part of your luxury brand identity and promise of value that you must actively communicate to your target market in such a way that it establishes a distinct advantage over your competition.   In the case of Cowgirl Creamery they are not actually competing with Kraft.  They compete with other cheese artisans.  

In marketing luxury real estate, when your competition is also sophisticated you may need to refine your brand position even further. There are many levels of sophistication, a full range within a spectrum from completely unpretentious to highly sophisticated. That is what we will cover in Part 3 of this article series.  You may be surprised to discover that what some may consider “snootiness”, in some cases, can work very much to your advantage.

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