Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Personal Branding: Defining Your Personal Values

Define What You Value the Most

By Alexandra Seigel

People like to do business with people like themselves. By making your values explicit graphically and in your messaging of your website and collateral material you will find that you can accelerate the speed of trust. Typically, people hang out with others who have the same basic values. Swiftly, expressing your values also speeds up the rate of referrals, because there is social currency in successfully introducing you to others who appreciate the same things. As a luxury real estate marketing professional, it helps you capitalize on the principle that birds of a feather flock together.

Part of the exercise of articulating your personal brand is defining what you value the most. Think about some of your favorite things and why they are meaningful to you. This can reveal your personal brand values.

Here is a personal example from Alexandra to illustrate how to do it:

I love going to the open air Farmers Market. I appreciate the farmers who grow the food organically. My eyes are wide with anticipation as I look at all the beautiful produce. I feel connected to the food I eat. I enjoy the vendor’s kids who are helping their parents sell as they weigh tomatoes, and tell me which ones are sweeter. I applaud the restaurants who are buying organic and fresh for their patrons. I am overwhelmed by the varieties and the choices and I am thankful to be in their midst. At home, I unpack my goodies and plan our meals. Everything tastes better.

From this, you can surmise that I probably buy organic when possible, as it is my preference and an important value. I am also likely to patronize restaurants who buy direct from the farmers. I talk about it, I write about it, and I look forward to going. I am passionate about fresh food and the care that goes into bringing it to market.


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