Authenticity in your personal brand is essential when targeting high net worth clients in the realm of luxury real estate marketing. Pretense will not get your very far in the long run. For example, if you are representing that you are an eco-luxury expert, but you are not really passionate about all things “green”, people will eventually see right through you. However, if you are truly passionate about environmental stewardship, your passion will be palpable and your enthusiasm will be contagious to those who are also on your wavelength. Your passion is your natural resource and your greatest asset if you are willing to tap it.
The alignment of your wavelength with the wavelength of your ideal clients takes all of the effort out of marketing because you do not need salesmanship to convince them that you are a match. Precisely communicating your unique, authentic personal brand signal with laser-like clarity to a like-minded audience is the surest way to attract new business, to spontaneously spark word-of-mouth advertising, and also to generate unlimited referrals.
By far, the best channel, system, vehicle or medium of communication to reach other people like you who will like you because you are like them, is through your blog. To be a market leader today, you must gain visibility, you must be seen where your target market shows up, which now is on the internet. It may take some getting used to, but the surest way to achieve top-of-mind status in your marketplace right now is to fully embrace this communication medium.
Here are the three biggest challenges of developing your personal brand as a blogger:
Challenge #1:
The first challenge of creating your personal brand is to identify an uncontested market niche that you can passionately dominant as an expert blogger. The fierce competition for attention on the internet now makes it an imperative to create a personal brand as a blogger, one that enables you to instantly stand out from your competition.
Challenge #2:
The second challenge of personal branding is crafting your marketing message. Your message (expressed through graphics, text, photos and video) must concisely convey your unique, authentic personality and your extraordinary promise of value. Your message must be delivered precisely and swiftly. That is the true measurement of an effective personal brand.
Challenge #3:
The third challenge of personal branding is consistency. You must blog consistently to maintain visibility and sustain top of mind status. You must consistently stay on your brand signal and maintain your authenticity.
To triumph over these challenges you must be passionate about your subject. Otherwise, you will lose interest and bore your audience, who will simply unsubscribe. That is why leveraging your passion, your greatest asset, is so important to your success today, as a luxury real estate marketing professional.
"Buzz-Worthy" Luxury Website Design
Personal Branding Case Studies and Company Branding Case Studies
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