Monday, August 26, 2013

Luxury Real Estate Marketing: Do You Have a Local Brand Strategy?

In presenting your luxury real estate marketing plan to your sellers, you should emphasize your strategy for marketing locally as well as globally.  Do you have a local brand strategy?

We have found, in working with luxury real estate marketing professionals, that even in the most desirable luxury real estate markets, the global buyers represent a miniscule percentage when compared to local buyers.  There is no question that there is an increase in global buyers especially in Hawaii, Florida and some major US cities.  But, the global buyer statistics are not commensurate with the emphasis that much of the luxury real estate media is touting.

To win big in luxury real estate marketing, concentrate on building your local brand!  Aim for achieving top-of-mind status.

You may have heard of the Central California wine brand, Firestone.  It was made famous when the son of the winery owner was on the TV show, The Bachelor.  Firestone originally produced only beer, and then branched out into wine. Recently, they sold the winery, but created a new local beer brand, “805” which is the telephone area code for the three adjacent counties that include Santa Barbara.

Focusing, with laser sharp precision on the local market, 805 signs are starting to be proudly displayed in local restaurants, in the local Trader Joes markets and on local billboards.  Achieving brand recognition at an accelerated pace is what great brand strategy is all about.  The entire exercise is geared to catapult a brand with zero brand recognition to top-of-mind status, fast!

How can you accelerate the pace at which your local brand achieves top-of-mind status?


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