As a luxury real estate marketing professional it is important to be well versed in all the cultures that surround us and particularly those in your marketplace. It is a great way to establish rapport with a potential client, and to become the go to person for that community.
The Spring Season is a time of celebration. It signifies rebirth, new life, and the beginning of a New Year. Here are a few of the rites of spring from around the world.
The Persian New Year is known as Nowruz. It is celebrated by the Iranians, as well other parts of the world, Central Asia, Crimea and some groups in the Balkans It is based on the Zoroastrian religion, and it celebrates the day of or the day after the spring vernal equinox, depending on the region.
The Buddhists celebrate the New Year with Buddha’s birthday on April 8th. In Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Laos, the New Year is celebrated for three days from the first full moon day in April.
Easter is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Emperor Constantine decided the date would be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the vernal equinox. This date may fall in a 35-day range from March 22 to April 25.
The Greek Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter after Passover. The logic in their celebration is that Christ died after Passover, and this is a more accurate time to celebrate. This year the Greek Orthodox Easter will be celebrated on April 15th.
Passover is observed to commemorate the freeing of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. A special meal, (Seder) is prepared accompanied by a reading of the Passover story.
In South and Central America, Catholics celebrate Easter and La Semana Santa, or Holy Week as one of the highest holy days of the year. In Latin America and Spain, the week leading up to Easter involves solemn processions, prayer, masses and other preparations for Jesus' rebirth. Cascarones or confetti eggs are made by hollowing out a chicken egg and filling it with confetti or small toys. The outside of the shell is also decorated. To have a cascarone broken on your head signifies good luck.
In the Sweden Walpugisnacht is celebrated. The legend is it that witches filled the skies on the eve of St. Walpurgis Day on April 30 or May 1st. Torches are made of rosemary and burned so that the smoke will repel the witches. This festival is also celebrated by the Czechs, Dutch, Estonians, Finns, Germans, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Austrians.
Get acquainted with the people who are buying. As the planet seems to shrink and people from more nations are in the market for luxury real estate here in the United States, it is important to learn the different customs and unique slants on luxury. Being knowledgeable of the various cultures of our planet gives you an appreciation for all the people who make up our global melting pot.
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