Friday, February 3, 2012

Luxury Real Estate Web Design: Information Overload?

You may have heard the phrase, “sticky website” bandied about. It has to do with the time a website visitor says on your website during a given visit. The stickier the site the more time they spend there and the more chance you have for capturing their lead which is important if you want to gain or sustain market leadership as a luxury real estate marketing professional. But, is there point where providing too much information is detrimental to your succcess?

Content rich websites are sticky to the extent they offer compelling information. But, how much information should you provide? It is possible to overwhelm your visitor with too much content. The key is to find the best balance for your target market. Compelling information is important, but compelling them to reach for more by contacting you is even more important.

Get the idea of feeling satiated after a good meal at a fine restaurant. Any more food beyond that point is an overdose. Now, get the idea of how you felt when the waiter brought you the dessert menu and offered you a choice of coffee or an after dinner drink. You were not satiated, yet. The meal was awesome up to that point and you wanted just a bit more. That is the point you want to achieve in terms of the amount of information on your website.

If you are a Monty Python fan you may have seen the film, “The Meaning of Life”. There is a scene in a French restaurant with an enormous man, Mr. Creosote, who is a glutton. The waiter offers him “one more petit four” and he literally explodes.

Think of Mr. Creosote, when it comes to de-cluttering your website and finding just the right balance of information that keeps your visitors hungry for more. That is an important factor to consider for a luxury real estate website, if you want to capture more leads.


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