If you want to build an exemplary luxury real estate marketing team, look around you for examples of great teamwork to keep you and your team inspired. That is the key!
Evidence of exemplary teamwork abounds. In sports when two teams are evenly matched and both display extraordinary teamwork it is still a pleasure to watch the team that opposes your favorite. Take the Women’s World Cup Soccer finals. You must give the Japanese team their due credit when they defeated the USA. Even though it appeared that the American team would close it out with just a couple of minutes to go, it was extreme tenacity that enabled the Japanese to win at the end.
Also, consider the tremendous milestone of the engineering team responsible for dismantling an overpass, which is a part of a $1 billion freeway widening project in West Los Angeles. With over 500,000 cars traversing this stretch of freeway on any given weekend locals feared that it would become “Carmaggedon”, the traffic jam to end all jams, when the freeway was temporarily closed this past weekend.
Faced with potential penalties of $6000 for every 10 minutes they exceeded the deadline. The crew completed their work under budget way ahead of schedule. In fact, they received a bonus of $300,000. This was also a victory for the people of LA who cooperated with local officials by staying off the freeways and patronizing local eateries and stores. There is something about teamwork and cooperation when it all works that lifts the spirit.
It is just as easy to find evidence of poor teamwork as it is great teamwork. The choice is yours! The difference is that focusing on examples of excellent teamwork feels good and it empowers you. The members of your marketing team look to you to set the tone. If you are pessimistic, and expect mediocre results, chances are that will be your experience. If you are optimistic, eventually great results will show up. To stay optimistic stay focused on great teamwork. That is the key to building an exemplary luxury real estate marketing team.
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