Selecting the right brand name as a luxury real estate marketing professional is extremely important. Here are the criteria for excellent brand names:
- It should be easy to remember
- It should be easy to spell
- It should be easy to communicate for referral sources when they tell their friends about you or your company
- Ideally, it should summarize the experience of doing business with you.
- It should inimitable.
Here is an example of a brand that meets all of these criteria: Conundrum—a extraordinary white table which is a product of the Wagner family who also produce one of the finest Cabernets in the Napa Valley.
A conundrum is a puzzle, a mystery, a challenge, a riddle or a dilemma. The word is fairly easy to spell. Once you taste this wine it is very unlikely that you will ever forget the experience; it is that outstanding. It is such an amazing value right now (Costco sells it for a remarkable low price of $16.95 per bottle). The wine is indeed a mystery because it is difficult to decipher the exact blend of grapes and flavors that make up its wonderfully robust, floral and bright tropical taste.
As they say on the Conundrum website: “Is it green apple, tangerine or honeysuckle? Could it possibly be apricot, melon, pear or light vanilla? That’s the Conundrum! It is inimitable. Their proprietarily, secretive blend of California white grapes create a lush, creamy texture that leads to the mouth-watering question, “Mmmm, what’s in there?”
If you drill their site you can find the tasting notes by Jon Bolta, the Winemaker and Production Director:
"Floral bouquet nose with a dominance of honeysuckle. Muscat is the defining/alluring factor in the aroma of this wine. Enters round with a Chardonnay weight to it then quickly lightens up to reveal the additional varietals. Sauvignon Blanc adds an herbal element while the Viognier adds a spicy character. The Chardonnay brings weight mid palate and Muscat adds an undeniable honey character to finish things off."
When a product or service is truly remarkable you naturally want to tell others about it. If you take the time to get your brand name right you actually make it easier for your raving fans to promote you. And, that can translate mightily to your bottom line. If you don’t pay attention to this important principle of marketing and branding you will have a conundrum on your hands as you try to figure out why people are not spreading the word about you.
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