Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Luxury Real Estate Branding: Express Yourself!

You have certainly heard the expression, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. As a luxury real estate marketing professional it is important to tune into the tastes and preferences of your client when selecting properties to show them, properties that they may like. Some homes may not appeal to you personally from an aesthetic standpoint. And, that is why you need to put aside your own standards to be of maximum help to your clients.

However, when it comes to personal branding, that is the time to get personal and express yourself. Your personal brand, from an aesthetic perspective must reflect your own tastes, your core values and your own personality. Yet, you must take into consideration your target market. That is, who you intend to attract as ideal clients.

Who are your ideal clients? As it turns out, when you really think about it, your ideal clients are people who share your values. For example, if you value a lighthearted sense of humor, your ideal clients would definitely not be curmudgeon s, killjoys or wet blankets.

In our strategic branding consulting practice our job is to help luxury real estate agents and companies dial into their unique DNA (different, not alike) and also dial into their target market. Then, we find a brand signal that can be expressed as a fusion of the two.

Too many luxury real estate marketing professionals are so busy trying to please others that they disregard their own very important personal perspective. As a result they attract clients who are less than ideal. Others go to the opposite extreme and disregard their target market altogether. For example, their chosen brand identity is too formal for a relaxed vacation destination where second home buyers want to leave the formality of the city behind them.

What is amazing about this process of personal branding is that there is always a way to articulate your personal brand signal so that is harmonious with your target market without compromising your DNA or your integrity. The key is to express yourself fully and have fun in the process. Your ideal clients will have a much easier time finding you that way.

If you want to have a really fun time practicing the art of self expression go to: . We created the image above on the fly for free at this site and it was a blast. It may not be art to you. But, for us art is having fun at whatever you are doing.


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