iPad - Courtesy of Apple
As a luxury real estate marketing professional, can you make a convincing case, to prospective home sellers, to hire you in the first few minutes of your listing presentation? If you can, you stand to win more listings, run circles around your competition and become the market leader in your area.
Steve Jobs is a master at presentation! His presentation of the iPad, Apples newest tablet computer, was stunning from a branding standpoint. In less than two minutes he was able to make a compelling case for buying an entire new category of device.
Basically, he stated that tablet computers have been around for quite some time but have received a tepid reception at best. Most of Apple’s target market already uses laptops and smart phones. Why a 3rd device? His answer was simple: The tablet must be far better at key tasks than the other two devices. It must be better at browsing, email, photos, video, music, games and e-books. And, that is what the iPad was designed to do.
In other words Apple has found a way to passionately add extraordinary value to an underperforming product category or niche. Apple has a sterling track record of doing this with the MP3 player (iPod) and the smart phone (iPhone). Like each of these two niches, Job’s intention is to make the iPad the “category killer”—the market leader.
HP and Dell both have tablet computers in the works. But, Jobs plans on leaving the competition in the dust. From day one, all of the 100,000 iPhone apps will be available for iPad users. Your entire iTunes library can be uploaded instantly to the iPad.
And, due to the acquisition of a computer chip company, Apple will be able to sell the iPad for just $499, which foils his competitors on price. He also was able to completely dismiss the fastest growing segment of the computer market, net books, as cheap, slow functionally inferior small laptops.
Your listing presentation must be compelling. If market leadership is your quest you must be able to communicate your extraordinary promise of value in just a couple of minutes.
Personal Branding Case Studies and Company Branding Case Studies