In marketing luxury real estate always keep this vitally important concept in mind: When Your Marketing and Branding Is Enchanting It Accelerates the Speed of Trust and Enables You to Close More Transactions
When a home buyer or seller is not relying on a referral to select a luxury real estate marketing professional the big question on their mind is “Who can I trust?” This is certainly the dilemma of most website visitors from out of town. If you can quicken the time it takes to establish trust you can save your prospects time and anxiety, which they will appreciate. Because enchantment marketing and branding accelerates the speed of trust it also enables you to close more transactions.
Think about how enchantment marketing and branding plays out when you are shopping for unfamiliar luxury goods without a brand recommendation from a trusted friend. When you do not have a recommendation three things help to accelerate the speed of trust and thus speed up your buying decision: 1) Enchanting Packaging; 2) Enchanting Messaging, and; 3) Enchanting Brand Strategy.

Do you have a special memory of enjoying ice cream or gelato somewhere in time, somewhere on earth? We have two enchanting gelato memories and they both occurred in Italy. One memory is Vivoli Il Gelato in Florence and the other one is a gelateria on the central square of Turin, Piazza Castel. We are always open to new ice cream and gelato experiences that compare to these fond memories.
Enchanting Packaging
Recently, we passed by the frozen dessert display case in one of our favorite markets and something caught our attention. It was a new brand of coffee ice cream called, Blackbean. The clever container is shaped like a coffee cup with a lid. As gourmet coffee lovers and coffee ice cream lovers we felt obliged to test out this new brand because we were instantly enchanted by the packaging.
Enchanting Messaging
What is remarkable about the combination of the packaging, the graphic design and the brand name itself is Blackbean’s clearly articulated marketing message. First, it instantly let us know the product’s specific niche within the larger category of ice cream or gelato: coffee ice cream. This is focused niche marketing at its very best! Then, it told us, in a nano-second, its distinct promise of value, i.e, its unique selling proposition: “Bolder Coffee Ice Cream”. As a result we immediately expected that this product would taste like a great strong cup of gourmet coffee that you would buy at a specialty coffee store or expresso bar. That is enchanting packaging and messaging!
Enchanting Brand Strategy
The price was also remarkable. Because of the smaller size of the container (12 oz.),it cost less than the other brands on the same shelf that have larger pint size containers (16 oz.). The price per ounce may be identical to other premium ice cream and gelato brands on the same shelf that we had not yet tried. But, with a lower price it offered yet another compelling reason to try Blackbean first. That is enchanting brand strategy!
Promise of Value Fulfilled
After just a couple of spoonfuls, Blackbean became our favorite coffee ice cream! It is very creamy and has a strong, rich coffee flavor which is exactly what we expected based on the enchantment of the packaging, messaging and brand strategy. Taken together these marketing and branding elements propelled Blackbean from total obcurity to top of our minds, in the niche of coffee ice cream.
To our surprise and delight, the mocha chips are actually unsweetened chocolate. We are fans of 80-85% cacao dark chocolate. So, we appreciated that the crunchy chocolate bits had a distinct bittersweet character that required our taste buds to “borrow” from the sweetness of the ice cream itself to balance the overall flavor. This engaged our minds as well as our palette in the tasting experience which is the hallmark of outstanding gourmet food. It adds another dimension to fine dining when you can also appreciate the thought behind the flavor sensations and aromas.
Enchantment Marketing and Branding Accelerates the Speed of Trust.
Delivery on Your Promise of Value Seals the Deal!
Based on our enchanted Italian gelato experiences and our love for strong gourmet coffee we were the perfect target market for Blackbean Mocca Chip ice cream. But, had the packaging not grabbed our attention in the first place, the probability of discovering this brand would have been very slim. We were not even thinking of buying ice cream that day.
Enchantment marketing and branding accelerated the speed of trust. We were a match to the innovative thinking that went into this brand strategy and were wiling to risk $2.29 for a new culinary adventure. But, if Blackbean did not deliver on its value proposition that was so brilliantly communicated, we would not become loyal customers and raving fans.
Luxury is all about heightened, uplifting experiences that convert to enchanted memories, whether it is buying a home or buying dessert. When it comes to selecting a luxury real estate marketing professional without the recommendation of a trusted friend a risk must be taken by your prospects. That is why enchantment marketing and branding is so vital to your luxury real estate marketing practice. How many out of town prospective buyers know one local broker from another? Enchantment marketing and branding can encourage prospects to take a chance on you by accelerating the speed of trust. If you consistently deliver on your promise of value, you will definitely close more transactions.
The concept of Enchantment Marketing was inspired by Guy Kawasaki
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