Harry Potter's Friend - The Snow Owl
As a luxury real estate marketing professional you have just moments to capture and hold the attention of website visitors and differentiate yourself from your competition. A stunning, distinctive looking website may snag their attention, but to hold it you must offer original content that they cannot find elsewhere. MLS Search, generic community information, local school information, etc., has become a commodity because it is available on just about universally. In general it is very difficult to compete based on website features that your competition can easily match. It is therefore, essential to provide an extraordinary value proposition to win over your website visitors and capture their leads.
Earlier this week we shared our experience of purchasing a Nook, the single–purpose e-book reader from Barnes & Noble. What influenced our buying decision over Amazon’s Kindle was the remarkable customer service we were offered in our local B&N store.
Yesterday, B&N announced the launch of their Nook Color which is more like an iPad than the previous non-color version. It costs about ½ the price of the iPad, weighs less, and has video and audio capability. The publishers of magazines (that are offering multimedia formats) are supportive because B&N is willing to sell long term subscriptions for their publications which Apple is not. Apple wants magazines to be offered one issue at a time like iTunes.
Additionally, B&N announced the launch of NookKids.com an aggregation of children’s’ interactive book, a niche that must be presented in color. Can Amazon launch a similar color e-book reader and a children’s book website? Absolutely! B&N can be matched feature by feature by competitors. But, B&N’s in-store experience is what cannot be copied by Apple or Amazon and that is what needs to be exploited as an unfair competitive advantage.
What is your unfair competitive advantage? How can you showcase that as your extraordinary promise of value as a luxury real estate marketing professional?
Buzz-Worthy Luxury Real Estate Websites
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